The BerrySwap Project πŸ“πŸ‡πŸ’

2 min readJan 20, 2021

The BerrySwap Project πŸ“πŸ‡πŸ’

An improvement of UniSwap and SushiSwap absolutely new tokenomics and rewards system.


Since first launch of UniSwap and DeFi Hype, there was many copy projects especially MooniSwap. They have been taking Uniswap’s elegant core design and copy it with small improve. However it’s working! Nowadays people want some fresh air in AMM concept and we prepared BerrySwap with unique new features in reward system and tokenomics.

πŸ’πŸŽ¨ Protocol Design

Let’s compare

With Uniswap, liquidity providers only earn the pool’s trading fees when they are actively providing said liquidity.

With BerrySwap, liquidity providers earn rewards in the converted form of USDC tokens.

Unlike Uni token Berry token is Staking token.

πŸ‡ Token Distribution

Berry token has fair distribution launch from 10% of Max supply
10 000 Berry that will be allocated fully as liquidity in UniSwap.

90% β€” for Staking only (first 4 weeks 200% APY. then 1 year of 50% APY and rest 20% APY until it reach's Max Supply )

πŸ“ Reward Distribution
In BerrySwap 0.25% of all trading fees in any pool directly goes to the active liquidity providers, while the remaining 0.05% get converted back to Berry (buyback) and distributed to the liquidity providers πŸ“ˆ.

πŸ‡ Initial Liquidity Launch

πŸ“… Fair start will be announced in Telegram group


